Compliance Matters 13th September 2024
Autumn is upon us, the Oak Tree outside our house is starting to acquire the tinge that tell us it is getting ready to shed its leaves. ...
Compliance Digest: 6th September 2024
August has turned into September, meaning that many of us have put our suitcases away for the time being and sharpened our pencils,...
The Consumer Duty Board Report Deadline: are you there yet?
An echo of the plaintive cry from a child in the back seat of the car.  As we approach the 31st July deadline for the Consumer Duty...
Dealing with Complaints in the Right Way
Your firm receives a complaint, how do you react? Are you angry? Are you affronted? Do you think, “what did we get wrong and how do we...
Compliance Digest: 14th June 2024
Welcome to this week’s Compliance Digest. Here is a summary of two of the issues that have come into my industry news feeds this week....